The Divided Heart

A poem for those who live between two countries

Anushka Bhartiya
1 min readSep 27, 2023

It strikes hard when it does

Almost depleting the hard-earned joy

Created day after day,

With effort and consistency

It all comes crashing down

When that wave of loneliness hits

Being away from what was once home

But now remains part of a past

That was tough but never rough

That needs to be visited

Where one never arrives anymore

It strikes at an opportune moment

When all guards are down

It tiptoes silently

Crossing all barriers built with care

Making it impossible to live in the moment

What does one do with it?

This feeling of desolation

Embrace and then cuddle it

While reminiscing only of the good?

Or not let it pull one down?

Taking pride in the fact

That now there are two homes

Built with love and perseverance.

Crated day after after

With effort and consistency

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Anushka Bhartiya

Writer. Mother. Buddhist. Feminist. Looking for freelance writing/research projects.